
張無忌| 2015-12-14| 檢舉



【你不能說伊斯蘭是一個和平的宗教。】他說:【因為伊斯蘭教義從來就不倡導和平。伊斯蘭宗教強調奉獻,所有穆斯林都必須奉獻犧牲,他們必須尊崇先知的使命,到 處發動聖戰及傳揚伊斯蘭教,並最終成為這個世界唯一的宗教,其他宗教必須滅亡。在抗爭的過程中,使用殺戮暴力是被允許的。】



安京科德利Anjem Choudary是英國臭名昭彰的極端伊斯蘭組織【Islam 4 UK】的領導人。他曾經在英國發動過數場激烈抗爭,包括要求英國廢除民主選舉制度、將英國改為伊斯蘭國,推行伊斯蘭刑事法,讓伊刑法取代憲法成為英國至高無上的法律;否則他恫言將對英國政府發動聖戰。

英國政府已經先後逮捕了【Islam 4 UK】數名主要成員,安京本身也被逮捕過數次,最後都在人權自由的名義下獲得釋放。而【Islam 4 UK】已經被英國政府列入恐怖組織名單。








不過,安京也告訴記者,他領導的【Islam 4 UK】是一個非暴力、追求理想的宗教組織,只是為了組織成員的安全,他才選擇將組織的活動改為地下隱秘進行。



WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has released a review of its strategy in the war on terrorism. The report failed to even mention the word "Islam."

CBN News traveled to London to talk with Anjem Choudary, a leading Muslim radical who says Islamic teachings are what shaped his pro-jihad message.

Although both George W. Bush and Barack Obama have declared that Islam is a religion of peace, Choudary begs to differ.

"You can't say that Islam is a religion of peace," Choudary told CBN News. "Because Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission. So the Muslim is one who submits. There is a place for violence in Islam. There is a place for jihad in Islam."

Choudary is the leader of Islam4UK, a group recently banned in Britain under the country's counter-terrorism laws. He wants Islamic Sharia law to rule the United Kingdom and is working to make that dream a reality.

While Islamic radicals in the United States usually prefer to speak in more moderate tones while in public, masking their true agenda, Choudary has no such inhibitions.

He has praised the 9/11 hijackers and has called for the execution of Pope Benedict. He also stirred controversy recently when video emerged of him converting a 10-year-old British boy to Islam.

Choudary told CBN News his group is a "non-violent political and ideological movement" that resides in the UK under "a covenant of security."

Yet he openly praises violent jihad.

"The Koran is full of, you know, jihad is the most talked about duty in the Koran other than tawhid -- belief," he said. "Nothing else is mentioned more than the topic of fighting."

Several former members of Choudary's group have been arrested on terrorism charges.

"A very significant amount of former al-Muhajiroun people were involved in terrorist plots against this country," London-based terrorism expert Peter Neumann said. "A number of people have actually gone to Afghanistan, joined the Taliban and died fighting for the Taliban."

Choudary refuses to condemn acts of terror including 9/11 and the July 7, 2005 London bombings, which killed 52 people.

文章來源: https://www.twgreatdaily.com/cat37/node789393
